Before setting up your central vacuum, defining the number of wall inlets that you will install and the length of the hose which will be used is crucial information as it may influence the choice of your next system. Here is some advice to follow.
Where to install the wall inlets?
Set your wall inlet in strategic areas, preferably at the centre of the living space and not at the extremities, thus reaching the entire perimeter with a shorter hose. The inlet should also give you access to other rooms of the house.
When installing a new pipeline, avoid setting up any inlet in an area where furniture or household appliances could be placed in the future. Wall inlets must be easily accessible at all times without anything obstructing their door panel.
Hose Length for a Central Vacuum
As the airflow travels throughout the pipeline and into the hose, turbulence is created and power is lost progressively. Ideally, the hose should reach a maximum of 12.2 metres (40 feet). Exceeding the recommended hose length may result in excessive power loss, therefore a more powerful system will be required to compensate. During the installation process, we recommend placing the inlets so that a 12.2 m (40 ft) hose or less can cover the entire surface area.

Test the Wall Inlet Layout
To be certain about your inlets' locations, test them out. Walk through every room and make sure that your hose can cover every corner by considering all the furniture and appliances which the room will be filled with. Remember to install at least one inlet per floor level.
Auxiliary inlets
In addition to standard inlets, you also have other practical options for quick cleaning, without needing to use the usual hose.
Floor inlets are typically installed under cabinets or in wall baseboards. With a simple tap of your foot, the central vacuum activates, allowing you to sweep dirt directly into the opening without having to resort to a dustpan. At Drainvac, we offer two distinct models: the Vacpan and the CanSweep. The VacPan is the most popular and affordable model offered in different colour choices. The Cansweep, on the other hand, is a few dollars more and has a design that makes it easier to vacuum larger debris. It is recognizable by its door which swings up and down to turn it on.

The Wally is another ideal solution for small cleanups and maintaining cleanliness in various spaces. It is a small extendable hose installed on the wall, always within reach. It's perfect for tasks like cleaning the dryer, removing hair and makeup residue from bathroom counters, managing messes in the kitchen, and much more.